Saturday, October 22, 2011

Baby Allie

 This picture is Allie after our scare
 These pictures are from earlier that day

These are some of the pictures we have of our precious little angel,
About three weeks ago we found out we were having a girl and we are so thrilled.. Later that night about 5 I felt this gush which I thought I peed  my pants. So I went to the bathroom to change and there was just so much blood I started to panic and called my mom in to the bathroom.  she was like you need to get to the er. So me and Jason rushed to timp hospital. (which I dislike this hospital) My Dr is in sandy so I should have went to Jordan Valley hospital but I just was like in freaking mode.  We went to timp and got checked in and they drew some blood and then did a ultrasound which took a while measuring and watching stuff and I was contracting so they were measuring those. So we were just enjoying watching our baby move around and kick and yawn its so precious to watch them. So we got back to my room and waited for the news. The Dr came in and soon as he came in I knew it was bad. I just got that Erie feeling. He told us that I am having a placenta abruption and they were watching the placenta peel away and I was gonna loose the baby tonight.   I will just need to go home and pass the baby. We were so devastated we just saw her moving around it cant be.
I just felt so helpless. So we went home. And this happened on a Thursday so Fridays I called my ob Dr Tanner and he was not in that day so I had to wait till Monday to go in and i just had to be on bed rest. Let me tell ya that was the longest weekend wondering if she was still alive or not.
 So Monday came and we went in and they listened for the heart beat  with the Doppler  they couldn't find the heart beat and me and Jason heart just sank. So they did a ultrasound and they found it. What a relief and she was still moving around.  My Dr said that's its a small abrubtion and its has stopped tearing so right now its like 50% chance to survive and I will be on bed rest the whole pregnancy I am 18 weeks now so 22 more weeks to go lol . But this experience has totally changed my mind on things. I'm so blessed and sometimes I forget all the blessings we have.
 I have a hard time to look at the good I always look at the bad and how we are so picked on and that my heavenly father doesn't love me. But he does I know he does I just need to remember what we have. we have 3 beautiful boys they are healthy and I love the so much and I have the most amazing husband. He does so much for us. My friend Kristina gave me one of the talks from conference it was called forget me not or something like that I recommend u read it if you haven't. it really puts things in perspective. And I just want to thank everyone for your help and your prayers they have helped alot. I love you all.

1 comment:

Traci said...

What a blessing! Hope your weeks of bed rest go by quickly and uneventful (the bad events anyway)! Good luck!