Monday, January 11, 2010

kayden;s trip to the ER

this is kayden hand swollen after a day it went down alot

sunday kayden was playing and tripped and fell on a piece of old rusted metal and cut his hand a half inch deep. so we rushed him to the er with blood squirting everywhere im ean everywhere i had it on my face clothes. they had to do stiches and it was so sad when they told he had to get stiches kayden just dropped his head was trying to be strong and not cry i got so choked up at the moment i had flash backs when i was laying in the er when i broke my leg and my mom told me i had to have surgery i did exactly what kayden did i dropped my head and tryed so hard to be strong and not let my mom see me cry. they have to keep doing his stiches cause they keep breaking thru and i just checked and they look like they have broken thru again so he is probabley gonna have to go back in again .my poor baby i love him so much i hate to see them in pain and as a parent its so hard to see them in pain.


Nikki said...

So sad! That is a wicked wound, he is such a tough guy!

Amber said...

He is going to have a nice scar, poor little guy. Hope he gets feeling better soon, love you guys


OUCH KAYDEN!!! your such a brave boy to sit and have them stitch you .. hope your hand feels better..grandma Misses and Loves you Tonz!!!