Monday, February 28, 2011


these are some of my ancestors. this Charles Thomas he was born in 1810 in Hereford England. he was a farmer and moved navoo and migrated withe pioneers to the salt lake valley. he had a son named Elisha Thomas which he had a son named Elisha Jacob and he had a son named Arden and he had a son Edward and he had a son my dad delvin. its just so amazing . you do not know who you are until you know were you have came from.
this is my great great great grandfather Joesph Ellison beck born in 1810 he was a polygamist lol

this is Jason great great great grandma and grandpa named Amos hunt born in 1819 his wife is Nancy wellborn born in1825.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I am addicted as well, so interesting to see how they looked and lived! Love it!